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tropical schooling fish population in a 10 gallon

23 11:31:18

Hi, I have a 10 gallon tropical fish tank with of course a heater,filter, only tropical fish and a thermometer.I have no gravel or stones (so you could see the bottom of the glass tank), 4 plants and 1 ornament for small fish to swim thru and hide in. I do weekly water changes, changing 1 or 2 gallons of water each week. I feed my fish twice a day and make shur they consume everything in a few minutes.

I currently have a tropical ten gallon fish tank with 4 serpae tetra's and 4 bloodfin tetras's in there, I would really like to have some neon tetra's in there also and was thinking of adding 4 of them to the tank and leave it like that, Would that be okay, just fine, a little overcrowding or way overcrowding if I did so?

Hi Nickesha,
It would be way overcrowded.  It is better to have less fish because overstocking would bring disease.  I know we are easily tempted to add fish to our tanks, but it is better not to when we don't have the required space.  Your tank must be lovely to see.  I wouldn't add anymore fish to it.