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oscar cichlid

23 11:31:18

Hi, I have a 3 month old Oscar in a 35 gallon tank and all was well until I changed the lighting from fluorescent to cfl and overnight he has gone off all food and seems very lethargic, is this coincidence or am I wrong ?

Hi Alan,
 It could easily be the lighting.  Tropical fish in general do not like bright light.  It makes them feel exposed to predators.  If you ever get a chance to go swimming in the Amazon where oscars are from, you will find that it is actually rather dark.  In fact, other than for growing plants, the only real reason to put a light on a fish tank is so that we (people) can see the fish. Most fish would be perfectly happy without it.  

  That said, he will likely over time get used to it, but it may take many weeks.

-- Ron
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