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oscar bleeding out her gills

23 14:03:19

I have an albino Oscar, I have had her for 5 years now. When I came home today and fed her she did not look to good. She ate a little and then it looked like to stopped breathing for a minute. I was watching her and when she took a breathe a lot of blood starting coming out of her gills. She doesn't look like to is going to make it through the night. Is there anything I can do to try and save her? Do you know if there is a reason blood would be coming out the gills? Please get back to me ASAP

thank you


Hi Lakisha,
 I have never heard of this before. Is she alone in the tank or could another fish have attacked her?

  Sadly, I don't think that there is anything that you can do about it. I'm very sorry.

-- Ron
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