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Pleco with weird growth

23 14:25:08

Hi there, I had a question about my pleco.  My tank is new, only been two weeks since I set it up.  Tank is 29 US gallons and has four black mollies, one male betta and two 3" pleco's in it.  The filter is a whisper power filter 115 volts.  I noticed white spots on one of the pleco's on the 7 th of August and researched it to find it was ick (ichthophthirius) so I started treatment.  I have been using Ick Guard by Jungle for four days now.  It says to medicate every 24 hrs and to do a 25% water change before every new dose.  I change 24 L of the water.  That's what I've been doing and I also put in .05 ml of Prime and one and a half capfuls of stability with every water change.  The ph is 7.4 and ammonia is .50ppm.  I noticed three of the mollies also had the white spots.  Today August 12th all the white spots are gone from all the fish.  The pleco that did not have white spots was fine until I noticed this discoloration on the left side of his/her back August 10th.  As the days have past it seems to have gotten worse.  The one spot is discolored, like a light brown and there was white foamy looking stuff on top of it.  This morning all the white stuff is gone and there are two small spots on top of the discolored area, the spots are the same light brown color.  I have noticed that he/she has been  accumulating a lot of waste lately, there are long pieces of waste hanging off him/her and the gravel is covered with it to.  He/she wasn't doing that before.  I throw in two algae discs after I shut the light off at night.  I was hoping that maybe you could tell me what it is that the pleco has so I can treat him/her.  I am still planning to treat the tank with ick guard for the next three to four days as the ick is not dead yet but just starting to hatch and cycle again.  I have researched the cycle of the ick and understand that but can not find anything on this light brown spot that my other pleco has.  Any other questions I can answer to help you answer my question let my know.  Thanks a lot!!!

Hi Aman;

It's probably from the elevated ammonia. It burns the skin, eyes and gills. Your tank is still in the break-in period so keep doing water changes to keep the ammonia down to a tolerable level. The next toxin that will rise is nitrite. It will go high as the ammonia level begins to drop. Keep testing to be able to know when the water changes are needed. Sometimes we have to do them daily just to keep the fish alive. Never change more than 25% in one day though. Keep using the ick medicine for the entire course of treatment. Here is a link to my article on new tanks so you know what's been going on in there;

Your plecos don't actually need the algae discs. You can give them fresh or thawed frozen veggies instead. Long strings of poo means they are constipated and the veggies will help clear that. Algae discs don't have as much algae in them as they should. There's too much protein and not enough fiber in them. Give them a tiny chunk of cucumber, squash, cooked peeled peas, cooked green beans, romaine lettuce bits, or cooked carrot at night instead. Just rinse and drop in. Veggies can stay in the tank for a day or more as long as they are being nibbled on. They don't pollute the tank like regular foods or algae discs, wafers and pellets do.

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins