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Getting rid of Parasites on a Beta

23 11:06:07

I recently adopted a Beta. I was housing him in a one gallon bowl until I could set up a five gallon aquarium for him. In the meantime he has been infected by what looks like Velvet. (Brownish substance mostly on his left side starting about mid fish and going back towards his tail. The other side does not have as much ) (The fish is a Halfmoon Red Dragon so his body is light blue or silverish blue in color) He had been rubbing on the plant and darting around. He is eating and quite active. No clamped fins or acting sluggish.I was told take everything out of the bowl, plants, rocks etc. I have been treating him with CopperSafe, 1/4 tsp for the gallon of water. I read, do a complete water change everyday, ( adding the medication) I keep reading I should have a heater to speed up the life cycle of the parasite, and I should keep the bowl dark. Do I need aquarium salt? How much? Should I put a heater in the 1 gallon bowl? I'm so confused at this point in time what exactly I need to do and how. I thought by doing research I could figure out what to do on my own but I think I need some assistance. Thanks.

The Betta is a tropical fish and needs his water to be 80 degrees at all times. Upping the heat can make the disease life cycle speed up. I do not know of any heater that will go into a bowl and keep the water at 80 degrees. As soon as you can get him out of the bowl the better. You can add aquarium salt to his water until the parasites are gone. The ratio is 1 teaspoon salt to every 1 gallon of water. Make sure the salt is dissolved before you add it to his water. Also, only add the salt to the water going in during a water change. Salt does not evaporate and will remain in the water. When he has been healed, remove the salt by doing 25% water changes every other day until the salt is gone. Remember, he is a tropical fish, not a salt water fish so be careful not to add too much salt.