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Do I have to give them up?

23 14:06:18

Hello. I have 4 common goldfish, which I have split into 2 tanks. (2 fish in each) I have owned them since I was 7, when a friend gave them to me as fry (she breeds goldfish) and I am now 13. I keep them in 21 litre tanks, but after researching goldfish on a forum, I have been told (quite unkindly, but probably true) that my fish are too small, I'm a useless owner, I'm killing the fish I claim to love and I shouldn't be allowed to own such a beautiful white goldfish. (Oh yes, one of them is white.) My fish are like my babies, I really do love them. Right now the white one is gently nibbling my fingertips. I can't afford the recommended 20 gallon tank, I don't have the money, space, or filter to keep it clean. I can't have a pond, there is a heron living near me that eats the poor fish in the ponds. I don't want to give them up, and I couldn't even get smaller fish to replace them because I hear they are not friendly like goldfish. But I don't want to hurt them... Should I just give them back to the breeder? Thanks for your  time.

I don't know where you heard about "unfriendly small fish", but it is true that you need larger tanks. In fact, you would actually need a 50 gallon tank for them to all be comfortable together.
I recommend you look around on classified ad sites, such as for some bargains on larger tanks - or even check out thrift stores and garage sales - and work on getting a much bigger tank for your scaly friends. Remember- when it comes to aquariums - bigger is ALWAYS better. (You can always do small chores/errands/favors to earn money around the neighborhood, so don't feel hopeless! You can do it, you just have to make yourself)
All fish are going to have different personalities, and by no means are all small fish "mean". In fact, the majority of smaller fish sold in pet stores are very peaceful. Guppies, platys, neon tetras and other specific tetra species, rasboras, cory cats (one of my favorites) are all very friendly. However - those are all tropical fish and you will need tank heaters.
Always do your research on any animal before you buy one, including fish. Sometimes a person will have no idea what they are getting themselves into. Example - Do you know what a sugar glider is? It is an adorable little marsupial (looks kind of like a chipmunk) that needs a HUGE cage and a very specific, exotic diet, because it is exotic.
However, I knew a lady who didn't bother to look up anything about SG's before she bought one, and she stuck it in a hamster cage, and fed it pelleted food!! Needless to say it got very sick and she had to give it away, and never did figure out why that happened.
It really does pay to have a good idea what you  need to know, do, and have before you dive into something new.
Just so you know - I ended up adopting the sugar glider, and she now is a very healthy, happy little girl with a gigantic cage (bigger than any ferret cage you've ever seen) and plenty of fruits, veggies, mealworms, honey, and other SG specific food everyday.
Best of luck to you, and thanks for asking for help!