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Stocking very small tanks.

23 14:38:10

Hello Chris,
I own some rental properties and we had tenents move out and left behind 2 unopened aquarium kits.  a 1.5 and a 5 gallon tank.  Both come with tetra whisper filters, the 1.5 has a small, and the 5 has a medium size.  The tenents didn't want then back.
I have them both set up and running with aquarium salt and aquasafe.
I know the rule of 10 gallons per 1 inch of fish.  You probably see my problem.  I was wondering what sort of fish I could stock these with. I'm not a huge fan of betas, but I do like guppies.  Of course the box of the 1.5 gallon shows 5 swordtails in the tank.  Bad advertising if you ask me.  I would just like to know some species of fish that would be good in these tanks.  I'd like to have at least 2 in the 1.5 if possible.  I'd find one tiny fish sort of dull.  As well in the 5 gallon.  Just wondering if you knew of some tiny guys that would work well in these.  Thanks, Lani.

Hi Lani;

I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Various serious family issues have kept me off the computer.

I'm so glad you are aware of tank size vs. fish population. Those boxes are incredibly misleading. It's so hard on the customers and especially the fish if they don't find out the truth soon enough.  

If your home stays fairly warm, over 70f in the winter, you could keep some little tetras such as neons. No more than 2 in the 1.5. Or perhaps 2 zebra danios OR 2 white cloud mountain minnows at the very most. A betta is also a possibility but nothing else can go in with him. You also have New Tank Syndrome to deal with. I will include a link to my article on new tanks to help you through that part.

The 5 gallon could house 3 to 5 neon tetras, OR 3 to 5 zebras or white clouds. Or, you could keep 3 platies or guppies in there. Keep in mind that once they have babies you will either have to let them be eaten by the others or separate them out to another tank. The tank will quickly become overcrowded if they breed. If you get only male guppies or male platies, that will solve the problem too.

Here is a link to my article on new tanks as well as a link to an article on small tanks;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins