Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My tiger cichlid may be

My tiger cichlid may be

23 11:44:45

QUESTION: Hi there,
I have had a 23 gallon tank for a while now, and I have only 2 fish in it.They are tiger cichlid's. The both of them used to be totally active, and they were always hungry. My first question is what is the correct thing I should be feeding them? I got them at Wal-Mart and they are very healthy, but the fish person didn't know anything about feeding or compatibility. so I have been feeding my cichlids flake food...the kind for all tropical fish. I have a heater set for 78 degrees and a fliter made for 20-30 gallon aquariums. I know I'm doing things right (I think)...but why are my fish so active that they jump up out of the water and are always hungry? My last question to talk about is...One of my 2 cichlids has white spots on it(only about 4 or 5)... he is now only swimming to get food, or just lying on the ground very slowly breathing...and I have had a betta in a smaller tank way back when and he had the ich disease...does my cichlid have this disease? I have some ich drops the kind that die your water blue for a couple of days where you have to do frequent water changes everyday. should I put some of these drops in the tank and should I seperate the 2 fish so the healthy cichlid doesn't get these white spots? I really appreciate your time and I thank you....I await your reply! Ashley

ANSWER: Hi Ashley,
I have one question for you before I can answer your question.  When you say tiger cichlids, are you talking about Oscars?  Since there are many fish called tiger cichlids, it would be important for me to know.
Thank you, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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QUESTION: Sorry about that. Yes my tiger cichlids and really tiger oscars. Thanks Ashley

ANSWER: Hi Ashley,
Oscars need big tanks.  One Oscar needs a 60 gallon tank, and two Oscars need 120 gallon tank.  They should never be kept in small tanks.  They grow to be big fish, and when kept in small tanks, their growth is stunted, and their internal organs have no room to grow.  They die a horrible death.  This is not your fault, but fault on the vendor who doesn't care, and doesn't give good information on these fish.  The Oscar is one of the most mistreated fish on the market, and this is so sad.
Oscars should be fed lots of different food.  They must have crickets that you buy at the pet store, cooked frozen peas, cooked frozen carrots, broccoli, and spinach, cleaned worms that you buy at the bait shop ( to clean the worms, you put them in oats for about one week) Minnows that you find at the bait store are also very good for them... Pellets, and frozen food that you find at the pet store, and of course a good quality flake.  You must vary their food, or they get very weak.  They also should have bananas, mangoes, and apples now and then.  Never feed them feeder fish.  Feeder fish are full of disease, and have no nutritional value.
Their water must be kept very clean, free of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.  Water changes every week are a must.  You can buy these small test kits to test your water at Walmart or the Pet Store, and they are a "must have."  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish.
White spots is ick, and you must cure both of them as this parasite is catching.  "Quick Cure" is a very good medication to get rid of these parasites.  Follow the directions on the bottle.  
If you do not plan of buying a big tank, please consider finding them a good home.  Oscars are very intelligent fish, and should have the environment they deserve.  I know it is hard to give away fish that you love, but you must think of the fish.  They grow about one inch a month, it isn't fair to keep them in a small tank, especially when you know they will eventually die.  There are many other beautiful fish that you could keep in your tank that would be very happy to have a nice home.  Keeping Oscars is lots of work, they are messy, and water changes are very important, you cannot skip a week, and you must check the water every three days to make sure you have no ammonia or nitrites in your water.
I hope you understand, I don't like bringing bad news, but these are the facts, and it will save you lots of pain in the long run.

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QUESTION: Thank you very much, this is great information! I have just posted an add on putting al kinds of information on it saying about the food and the big tank and such. I feel bad for not knowing but waht can you do right? As I have just read in your reply,  you said cooked frozen veggies. Is the frozen mixed vegtables okay but cooked? My last question is if I'm giving them away what fish do you reccomend to put into the 23 gallon tank? Thaks Ashley!

Hi Ashley,
Bless your heart, you are doing the right thing for them.  Yes frozen veggie are really the best to give them.  Blanch them, and let them cool, and then feed some to them.
If you like cichlids, the little drawf cichlids are really cute, and your could put 4 of them in your tank.  You would have to provide lots of hiding places, overturned pots, rocks, and plants.  Cichlids are a bit tricky as they are aggressive, and territorial.  They get even worse when they spawn, so I'm not sure you would like that.  
You could go with Gouramis.  You could put two pearl gouramis, and 2 dwarf gouramis, with little cory catfish, they are cute too.  Look on the web, and see the different families of fish, you may like one family better than the next.  Platies, Swordfish, and Guppys are really colourful, and would do great in your tank.  You could also look at the Tetra family, there are lots of choices and colourful fish in that family also.  Take a look at the Rosy Barb, it's a pretty schooling fish, and you could put 6 of them in your tank if you like them, with 5 little cory catfish.  Have a look, and then tell me what you would like, and I will tell you what you can mix them with.  Not all fish mix, so take your time, look around,  and then write me.