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Pleco shelters

23 15:06:22

Hi Chris,

I have a pleco and a gourami together in one 20 gallon tank (set
up for about a year and a half, charcoal filter system, no unusual
water chemistry). Although the pleco had a rock and a tank
ornament to go under when I was first given the fish, I have
since removed both of these, as I noticed that the gourami is
very high-strung and would sometimes get spooked and race
back and forth in the tank. I was concerned that he would get
hurt by running into these objects, especially the ornament,
which was in the shape of an underwater tree and had several
spiky branches.

I know that plecos like seclusion, so I would like to get a hollow
object for the pleco. The problem is that most of the rocks/tank
ornaments that I have seen have edges or surfaces that might
hurt the gourami if he runs into them. I am considering putting
a length of plastic pipe into the tank, as it would provide shelter
for the pleco and would be less of a target for the gourami, but I
have heard that some plastics can release toxins into the water.
Do you know anything about this problem, and do you have any
suggestions as to what kind of shelters I can give the pleco?

Thanks for all the suggestions and info you've provided so far.
You've been hugely helpful. Have a good weekend.

- Chris

Hi Chris;

Regular white PVC pipe is fine to use. Just sand the cut edges to smooth them out. That's what many large fish hobbyists and breeders use for making caves and breeding sites. Rinse it well and it should be just fine. It is used for plumbing for homes so it doesn't release toxins that I know of.

I am a bit concerned about that gourami though and wondering why he freaks out so much. Is he too big for the tank? Does the plecostamus rub against him and hurt or scare him?

Let me know if you think I might be able to help.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins