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pictuc catfish

23 14:38:39

we have had 2 pictuc catfish for 2 weeks maybe and here in the last few days one is swimming up against the glass with his head up and tail down (swimming vertiacally) he doesnt stay like that all the time i say 85 % of the time its like hes acting like an algae eater when they are cleaning the glass but hes not stuck on the glass. is there something wrong  

Hello Michelle,
There is nothing wrong with your catfish. Sometimes they will do this because they cant find very much food at the bottom of the aquarium and they find peaces of algy that come off the glass easily. You maybe would want to get them some catfish pellets. So they can eat this at the bottom when there is nothing left from the natural food at the bottom. Also remember fish do have personalitys, and they can play, meaning swimming up and down the side of the aquarium every once and a while. :)
Hope This Helps