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Gourmis and community fish

23 15:08:01

Hi Chris, thanks for this opportunity.  I have been working with my new fish addiction for about a year.  I have a 55 gallon community tank with primarily angels and discus, filled in with black tetras, a placo and glass tetras, a 25 gallon for Gouramis, a ten gallon for breeding swordtails and a ten gallon for raising the offspring.

I want to purchase a 55 gallon octagonal tank (because of space considerations!) and thought the Gourami's (dwarf (3) regular (2) could benifit with the additional room.  I can then move the swordtails over, and make that ten gallon a hospital tank. I understand because of the configuration of the Octogonal tanks there may be specialized issues. Would Gourmis thrive in this kind of vertical environment?  What would the tank limitations be and what other community fish would you recommend?  I've heard because of their territoriality they are not great for a single species tank unless there is LOTS of room.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Valerie;

I think dwarfs would do just fine if proper hiding places were added to it. Dwarf Gouramis will generally find a terretory and build a bubble nest there. In smaller tanks their terretory becomes the whole tank, but in a 55 octagon they would probably have enough room, even though it isn't as long as a regular 55. Get floating plants like hornwort, anacharis, cabomba, etc. This way there is a visual barrier between them most of the time.

Larger gouramis might be okay if they are mostly females. Males fight amongst themselves quite a bit and since they are bigger fish they may not have enough room and could hurt each other.

Have fun!

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Chris Robbins

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