Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > shy oscar

shy oscar

23 14:57:37

Hi I have a small 2 inch tiger oscar in an established  55gal aquarium he has no tankmates and he spends the whole day inside a cave and only comes out during feeding time and then rushes back to the cave. Is there any reason for this behavior? And what can I do to help him be less shy?. Thank you

Hi Jose;

It's probably the first time he's ever been alone if you haven't had him for very long. You might want to give him a few more days to adjust. Also look for signs of parasites like tiny spots of white, gold or black. Oscars often hide if they aren't feeling well. Check the water chemistry too. Measure the levels of nitrite, nitrate and ammonia. Just to be sure something hasn't unexpectedly gone wrong.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins