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new fish tank of chiclids

23 14:23:52

I am setting up a 35 gallon freshwater fish tank.I am doing a chicilid tank.I have 1 red tip shark,1 bala shark and a clown loach I have 1 solid yellow,1 solid lght blue,1 solid orange and 1 calico peacock chiclids in the tank now.1).Can I add more chiclids to the tank and are the sharks and loach okay with the chiclids

Hi Angela,
 They might be okay.  I wouldn't add too many more fish; it sounds like a full house already.  Be sure that you have lots of structure (wood, rock, plants) in the tank to break up the space so that everyone has a spot or two to call their own.  I think that you might find that as the cichlids get larger and more aggressive, the sharks are going to have difficulties and you may have to find them a new home.  Keep an eye on things.

-- Ron
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