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What to do when babies arrive.

23 14:25:18

Hello Chris,
We just set up our first tank for our daughter a week ago.  It's a 20g tank with five neon tetras, four black mollies, 3 red wagtail platy and five dalmatian mollies.  A couple of days ago, we noticed one of the mollies giving live birth! We didn't know they did that.  But now the other fish are hunting the fry. (about 10 left) Were we supposed to separate them, or just let nature take it's course.  It's a bit barbaric to see them get hunted.  If this happens often, what should we do? Maybe a smaller tank off to the side?  How do we get them out because they are lightning fast!  Well

Hi Miguel;

Live bearing fish such as mollies and platies will all have babies about every 4 weeks. Add lots of live plants and other decorations for the babies to hide in if you want to let nature take it's course. It is very normal for them to be eaten, even by their own parents. Or, you could separate the babies to their own tank. I wouldn't use anything smaller than 10 gallons for babies. Use a gentle flowing filter that runs from an air pump such as a sponge or box filter. Get a fish net to catch the little fish. They can be quick, but after a little practice you will be able to do it. I use two nets sometimes to chase and trap them. Scoop the fish upwards to the surface as they enter the net. Keep in mind that your big tank and the baby tank need to get through the break-in period too. Here is a link to my article about it;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins