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What could be wrong with my Silver Molly Fish

23 14:46:06

I came home from work today to find one of my silver Mollies swimming face down in the tank (kind of like it is off balance). It is breathing normal. But it is constantly face down.

Hi Jennifer;

Poor thing. It may be a swim bladder problem related to digestion. Mollies need some veggies in their diet so if she is still eating you could offer some peeled green peas. Also make a 25% water change in her tank. Mollies are tropical so their water needs to be in the upper 70's at least and they need very clean water too. Partial weekly changes and gravel vacuumings are essential to their health. It was once believed that mollies need salt in their water, but it has been found that clean water is what's essential.

I hope she feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins