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tank setup selecting fish

23 13:57:48

hi Ron

I'm re doing my tank all nice with real plants and bog wood and stuff will these fish be ok together
3x platies 2x mollies
10x neon tetras , 1x Siamese fighter fish (male)
1x golden apple snail maybe 2
1x elephant nose fish
2x bumble bee goby
2x albino corys
and 1x teacup stingray
oh and yeah does the teacup stingray sting i know it says stingray but just wondered thanx

Hi Alex,
  All stingrays sting and I would not put one in a tank with other fish. Stingrays are fascinating fish but they are also rather efficient predators.  I suspect that the gobies and probably the platies, mollies and tetras will soon disappear.  Only get a stingray if you know what you are doing and if there are no other people around in the house that might come in contact with the tank inadvertently, i.e., small children could easily be killed by a stingray.

-- Ron
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