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23 14:38:51

Hi i had guppies before i got my Oscar fish i had him for about 7rs now and his in the same tank and so far his done nothing to them they are all still there so does this mean they are going to get along. and also i have a Algee eater in there with them pls let me know if i need to put them in a diff tank ?? send it to my Email if you can  

Hi Christina,
 Oscars are very patient.  The one thing I can guarantee you is that eventually he will eat all the guppies.  It may not be today or tommorrow, but he will get them all eventually.  That is what oscars do and they are very good at it.  They are wonderful fish, but they are predators and
anything small enough to fit in an oscars mouth is considered dinner.

P.S. He will also eat the algae eater eventually.

-- Ron
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