Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > shubunker


23 14:25:18

Hi Chris, I have a shubunker about 2 years old. It has been in a fiftyfive gallon tank with 3 other gold fish. Up till about 2 weeks ago it has been active and eating well. First one up actually. I intoduced a lily about 4 weeks ago into the tank . Since then I have had to clean the filters more often, but the shubunker started being very inactive ( it has grown to about 9 -10 inches) It has been just laying on the bottom , its belly seems to be swollen. I have just started maracyn treatment in a seperate 10 gallon tank. The other fish are between 3-5 inches long. They all seem to be fine. I see no big changes in scales or fins. I change half the water at least once a month and change the filter(whisper) every week.

Hi Kila;

It sounds like it could be a constipation problem. He may need more fiber in his diet. Start first by feeding him nothing at all for 3 days. Then feed only cooked peeled green peas. It acts as a laxative. Change 50% to 100% of the water in his little tank every day. It's pretty small for him so he will need fresh water to avoid ammonia poisoning. Here are links to more information about goldfish constipation;

More on feeding goldfish to avoid these troubles in the future;

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins