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What is my new betta doing??

23 14:57:36

Dear Chris,
I got a new betta this past Thursday (my last one died at about 3 1/2 years
old). I have a 3 gallon hexagon tank (approx 4 yrs old now) with a small
charcoal filter.  I change all the stones and plants every other month or so
(there's also a black snail in the tank that I originally got to help with algae
When the betta first got in the bowl (I was cleaning the tank) with the snail, he
was like a madman! whipping his body all around and knocking the snail
senseless!  At least "Sam" had the sense to stay deep in his shell and seemed
to suffer no real effects from the experience.  Now they're both in the tank
and they seem to be fine together, but for one thing... "Indigo" (the betta) has
developed an attraction to the filter box!  He blew a huge bubblenest the
other night (at least that's what I think it was - and if so that's good right?),
but I keep finding him between the filter and the glass.  When I unplug the
filter he comes out but as soon as I plug it back in, he goes right back.  There
are other plants in the tank that he readily investigated when he first got in
there, and I've seen him 'sleep' on them already... but I'm wondering if this
might be an indicator of something wrong health-wise or just a weird
habit.  It's been a while since I've had a betta and I'm not coming up with any
answers - my last guy was 'normal' compared to this one (he just liked to play
in water streams a lot, and the bubbles from the filter).
Any hints?

Hi Michelle;

He sounds like a pretty feisty little fella! For whatever reason he just likes to rest there. It might be the spot where the water moves slowest too. That's where they usually build their nests. He will probably get stronger as time goes by and not mind being in the flow so much, if that's what's bothering him. As long as he's always able to get to the top for air when he wants, he should be just fine.

So, not to worry. Unless you see signs of spots blotches or other disease, he's just a little character!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins