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Black Molly Pregancy

23 14:36:26

How long does it take for the babies to be born?

Hey Frank,

From mating until birthing, it's about 4-6 weeks. You'll know when she's ready when you see her in profile, and she looks like a head, square body, tail. It wont be rough square edges, but she'll look much like a box. Then its hours to days before she's ready. The birthing process is about one per minute upto 100, if she's had a drop before. If it's her first it can take upto 6 hours, generally starting around 2 am. Early morning is typically when drops begin. Of my swordtail drops, i get about 20% born not swimming, a few slower swimmers get picked off by mom and dad and the other swords, and the rest hide in the gravel and plants. Over the course of a few weeks, i generally notice numbers dwindle due to being eaten, sickness, and crushings from gravel slides and other uncontrollable events. Of around 100, I'll have about 20 reach half inch (which is when i give them away or sell them)

Best of luck, and hope you enjoy!