Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My Oscar has a lip blister, and white on his scales

My Oscar has a lip blister, and white on his scales

23 14:49:25

My husband and I have a 90 gallon tank with 2 oscars (one black
and one albino) one Jack Dempsy and Pleko with some clown
loches. My Husband has been gone 3 weeks, and is normally the
primary care taker of all our tanks. He was home for 24 hours
and noticed that one of the bubblers in that tank wasn't
working, so he fixed it. Today oscar (black) has white on his coat
and a white blister on his lip. when I went to feed them for the
1st time today, they all weren't so interessted in the food as they
always are. Oscar usually jumps a little high out of the water
because he gets so excited... but not tonight :( Help- what do I
do? They could have been sleeping- I have been gone all day
and it is 10pm ? HELP

Hi Lisa;

See if they improve once it's daylight and they have time to adjust and "wake up". If they don't look or act any better, make a 25% water change. Be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water and use a water conditioner. You might want to have the water tested for the levels of nitrite, ammonia and pH. Just to see if maybe the bubbler quitting caused a biological imbalance.

Let me know how it's going.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins