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Buying and keeping betta fish

23 11:06:02

Hi again.My last question was to Tina but she is too busy right now goes.The website she gave me told me not to keep female betas together but I thing she was saying it was ok, but oscars are not.What do you think?I have a ten gallon, little experience, I must say,and a basic filter.I had 1 goldfish when I was 5.That is it.If betta and oscars do not work for me, is there a similar fish that would?Thanks.

Your 10 gallon tank is not big enough for an Oscar. As for putting female Betta's together, if the tank is big enough, they should do just fine. If you are going to add them to a 10 gallon tank, then you might run into problems. If the females are from the same spawn, they can be put together. You can try adding 2 females and just keep an eye on them. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Just depends on the fish.