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Adding One Guppy

23 14:02:29

Hi, I went to the pet store recently to buy fish. I now have two black neon tetras, three neon tetras, and two african dwarf frogs. However, one of the neon tetras looked sick and pale as soon as I bought it. I want to return it in exchange for a guppy. Will just one guppy be ok with the rest of my animals?

Hello Ashley!

I would not recommend an guppy, because african dwarf frogs love long flowing things. The long beautiful tails of the guppy would be too hard to resist to the frog, and they would likely be eaten.

I can also take a shot at your neons.

You see, neons, and really all characins (family that tetras belong to) are schooling fish. These fish need to be in groups to survive. There needs to be at least 6 neons in a school (that means 6 neons, and 6 black neons) for them to be happy, and to live the longest lifespan.

However, you said that he was like this right when you bought him, so if you go back to that pet store, take a look in the tank you bought your neon in. If some of the other fish look like your neons, then you have a problem. All tetras, and especially neons are susceptible to an uncurable disease aptly named "Neon Tetra Disease". If even one fish has this disease, all the other tetras will get it. So, if you see some of the other neons at your store looking sick and pale, you're out of luck. There is no known cure for Neon Tetra Disease at this time.

But, like I said, he could just be stressed. Give him some time in the tank. The frog is a predator to the tetras, and they should be in a good sized school or they won't feel safe from the frog.
