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I am new have some probems

23 14:03:59

Hi I have some gold fish. I feed them right Salt in water is always maintained. I have some fish who always has instead of poop, long string like thing hanging out. one fish mouth is white and swollen cannot close her mouth she is always staying in the bottom of tank. she try to eat but cannot swallow. this fish also has little rotten rear fins, 2 other fish also has same problem. One little big fish has one eye fuzzy. and her rear main fins are rotten.
Please help me.

Hi Shah,
 There is no reason to add salt to a goldfish tank.  

 If the "string like thing" is white, that tells you the fish has an intestinal infection.  

 How often are you changing their water?   You should be changing 25% of their water once a week, every week to keep them healthy.  Are you doing that?

-- Ron
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