Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Fries


23 11:31:57

QUESTION: I have been feeding my 7 fries 5 times a day but they are really fat. Am I overfeeding them? If I wanted to feed them algse wafers, would I have to cut them into tiny pieces or just leave it with them?

ANSWER: what type of fry are they??

and yeah i wouldnt feed 5 times a day, i feed twice or three times a day..

algea wafers eventually go soft so you may just be able to put it in and when its soft they can pick at it

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: They are mollies and they are about two weeks old now. Also, is there an easy way to make them quickly grow full size?

ermm..well there is only one way that i know of that makes them grow faster..and thats more space...the take forever..(about 4months) to get a reasonable size in the net thing...but ive found ifyou can give thme their own tank, they seem to grow much quicker =]

sorry...thats the only way i know..otherwise you will have to be patient..

and yeah i would feed mollies algea can either break it up or just drop it in..your choiice