Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > black moor has a red eye

black moor has a red eye

23 14:48:12

I have a black moor which is about a year old and one eye has become red
It started as a red spot but now covers the lower half of the eye
He eats ok
Any ideas would be most welcome

Hello Nora-

Is the spot in the iris, or like a coating on the eye itself?

If the spot is in the eye itself, it may be a harmless mote that can develop in some fish.

However, if the red spot is fluffy or raised off the normal surface of the eye, it is probably a bacterial infection.

If this seems to be the case, try dosing the tank with aquarium salt and QuickCure. These two combined may weaken or kill the infection.

Hope this is useful.
-Amber Worman