Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > will my Betta fish fin grow back?

will my Betta fish fin grow back?

23 13:57:04

Okay so i just got this fish and i was showing it to my friends, then i went to put it back inside but i dropped it! So i ran to my backyard to get another tank but it was a frog tank. The other fish tank i had before was cracked and he was falling through it. My friend was trying to get him back in but he lost one of his back fins two of them. So i was worried. Will my mail betta fish fin grow back??

Hi Kyra,
 The fin might grow back. If the damage was to the ends of the fin, then it will most likely grow back.  If the fin is damaged right down at the base, then the fin might not grow back or might not grow back completely or correctly.

-- Ron
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