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Breeding fish

23 11:42:02

QUESTION: What is the easiest fish to breed?

ANSWER:   It is hard work to breed fish, so unless you really like this hobby, don't go into breeding.  Read up on the fish you would like to breed, it would be too long for me to explain this here.  Different fish have different breeding habits, different needs.  Some people prefer one fish to another, so I cannot really tell you which one is easier.   Make sure that your pet store will take them from you once they reach maturity, and be prepared to have extra tanks for the fry.  These tanks must be cycled, and no matter which fish you breed, daily water changes are very important to all fry.  You must love the fish you breed, and not try to breed them for money.  There is very little money to make in breeding, sometimes you end up paying more to raise them. You must have a passion for breeding fish.  Most fish need live brine shrimp the first few weeks of their life, so breeding cannot be taken lightly.  If you like one particular fish, then I can tell you his breeding habits, but it is best to read on them first.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How to breed guppies

Guppies are usually always pregnant, and give birth to live fish.  You must have lots of plants for the fry to hide since guppies eat their young.  I do not believe in small hatcheries to keep guppies in, while pregnant.  Guppies, Mollies, Platys, and Swordfish all need room to swim when pregnant.  When kept in these small hatcheries, many die, and give small amounts of fry.
This is the way I would do it...  Let the female have her fry swimming freely in the tank.  You may lose a few, but this is to be expected.  Have a cycled tank ready, and remove the fry.  Feed them crushed flakes of different kinds so they get the vitamins they need.  Crush the flakes very small until it looks like powder.  Do water changes everyday until they are big enough to put on the market.
This is how I would do it, someone else would maybe do something else, but as far as those little hatcheries are concerned, I'm against it, because the guppy has no place to swim giving her trouble to give birth, and many die giving birth in these small hatcheries.  There is lots of information on the web on breeding guppies.  Many though, use these small hatcheries.