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the worms

23 14:27:28

ok i have the little white worm problem.but i have 4  piranha's in a 55 gallon tank. And as you may all ready know if i cut back on the feeding they bite each other's fin's.what can be done about the worm's? any answer you can give will be a big help thank you.

Well this sounds like planaria they will not harm your fish, but to get rid of them you will have to cut back on food (feed less food) and make sure your fish eat all of the food if they don't net the leftover food out after about 2 1-2 to 5 min. I would do a 25% water change every 2 days to get rid of the planaria and aquarium salt might help so if you want to use it go right ahead. Planaria live off of leftover food and waste so after the planaria are gone you need to do 25% water changes every week.

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