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Is my dalmation molly pregnant?

23 14:12:50

Hi, I have had my dalmatian molly for about 3 and a half weeks now, and I'm not sure if it is pregnant. There is a male molly in the tank with her, so I know it is a possibility. I know that you are supposed to look for some kind of spot on their stomach, but since she is a dalmatian molly I am having difficulties determining if the spot I am looking for is actually there. Is there another way to tell if she is pregnant, or is there a way to distinguish the spot I am looking for?

Hi Becca;

It is hard to see the "gravid spot" in some types of livebearers. You pretty much have to watch for the belly becoming larger and boxy-looking. The bottom and sides of the belly will take on a flattish look when she is less than a week from delivery. She may also hide a lot more a few days before she is ready.

Good luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins