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Help new Betta wont eat

23 15:02:51

Hello I have a new Male Betta I just got it 3 days ago.  He won't eat, he will swim around his 5 gal. tank and seems very happy. He goes to the surface and blows bubbles but when I put the pellets in the water, he eats it then spits it out. I went to the pet store and they said that he didn't like the kind of food so I got the flakes he doesn't even swim up to it.  I was just wondering if there is anything I can do about this?

Hi Tracie;

Bettas will refuse to eat when they are too cool or are sick. You can also try feeding tubifex or bloodworms. Those foods are what they are raised on and may not take to dry diets very well. If you could give me a little more info maybe we can figure out what's going on;

What is the water temperature?
Does it have a heater?
Is there a filter in the tank?
What kind of filter?
Are there other fish with him?
Does he have spots or other abnormal signs?

Chris Robbins