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120 Gallon Cichlid Tank Discoloured

23 11:45:52

Hi Ron

I have a 120 Gallon Cichlid Tank. It has been set up since this past March. We slowly added the fish, there is 2 sucker fish in ther and about 25 different cichlids all raning about 1" to 2" inches. The water was crystal clear until about 3 weeks ago. It has changed to this yeloowish brown colous. I have been doing about 30% water changes every few days and its just getting worse. WE have used a product the fish store recomened called All clear which hasnt helped at all. Any tips?

Hi Sharon,
  All Clear is used to get rid of cloudy water caused by a bloom of microscopic bacteria.  So that is not the right solution.

  Brownish water can happen if you never do water changes, which you say is not the case.  The other main cause for brownish water are tanins leaching from driftwood.  Did you put any driftwood in the tank?

-- Ron
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