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my betta is sad

23 13:54:58


here a image of rayo
Hi, uhm I bought a betta fish 7 months ago his name is Rayo and all this months that passed, his been really good he swims alot, and he is always happy. But 2 days ago I saw him kind of sad and he always stays inside his castle and not move also in the corner of his house and not move. so yesterday i went to the pet store and they told me to put 1 drop of nox-ich. So yesterday 50% i change his water and put 1 drop, they told me to just put 1 drop every other day for three days. But this morning he was still the same he didnt want to move I'm really worried and i dont know if its ich or velvet because he also at the the bottom of his body he has kind a lighter skin.

So, can you please help me!

Hi Brenda,
I'm sorry dear, I don't see him very well.  When a fish has ick, he has small white dots on his body.  It looks like salt.  If he does not have white dots, stop this treatment immediately.  If it was velvet, he would have shiny silvery patches on his body.
When a Betta changes colour it could be because he is getting old.  Unfortunately we do not know their ages when we buy them from the pet store.  A healthy Betta may live 5-6 years.  
He could be stressed.  Have you added or changed anything in his living quarters?  If so remove the change.
It could also be his water conditions.  Have you tested his ammonia level?  If he has ammonia in his water, this could also be the cause.  Do a complete water change with a good conditioner if his living quarters are small....and a 75% one if he is in a bigger tank.
He could also be constipated.  Try feeding him a pea.  Cook one frozen pea until it is tender, then remove the first skin, and cut it in small pieces, try feeding it to your betta.  You may have to tease him a little to get him to eat this.  A betta should have one frozen pea a week.
It could be his diet.  I know pet stores recommend bloodworms.  Actually, bloodworms should be given once a week as a treat.  Bettas should be fed pellets, and betta flakes, alternating each day, and small portions 3 times a day.  We must remember that the betta's tummy is the size of his eye, so small feedings 3 times a day is better than one big feeding.  Also, letting him go one day without food a week is good for the Betta...maybe you could do that the day you give him the pea.
Is his water warm?  A betta must be kept in warm water, you need a heater if you don't have one.  His water should be 78-80 degrees.  A cold betta gets sick, and dies if his water is cold.
Right now this is all I can do for you.
Make sure that his water is free from ammonia, and you could add a little aquarium salt to his water. (1 teaspoon to 5 gallons of water)
Never treat a betta if you don't know what he has...sometimes people sell you anything without knowing what your pet has, so be sure of the sickness before you treat your pet.
Hope this helps you