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Sick Betta Urgent Help

23 11:07:19

I've done extensive research on Bettas and it seems I keep getting different answers. It is very frustrating because as of now, I need serious help. My Betta has hair like cotton strings coming from his fins and gill. Some say it's fungus, others say bacterial. I can't tell if it's fungus or Columnaris. Same say adding clean water and salt is the best cure, others say Macaryn 1 and 2. The 2.5 tank is not cycled because my Betta was fighting against the current from the filter, and he hasn't fully recovered from fin rot since I bought him in August. Almost a year now!! I have uploaded 3 pics of my Betta. I have absolutely run out of ideas.

The water is green because I was starting to treat it with Jungle Fungus Clear Fizz Tabs. However, after the first 24 hours, he looked much worse and it looked as though the top of the tank was filled with spider webs.

Does he have Columnaris or fungus? Should I continue the treatment with Jungle Fungus Clear or just go with basic water and salt?

- Completely Exhausted


 It looks like he has a bad fungal problem. I would first off stop using the fizz tabs, they rarely work. Try methylene blue. This has worked great for me when I have had to use it. Make sure he has a heater and it is set at 80 degrees. Make sure to follow the direction on the medication. You can also add some salt to his tank, one teaspoon per gallon or do 20 minute salt baths twice a day for a few days. This will also help him out. Make sure you keep his water very clean and warm and he should do fine after the treatment.