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Fish HELP!!!!

23 11:07:18

I have 5 goldfish in my 10 gallon tank. i have seen them chasing each other, and i jumped outline to see what this means. Then i found out it was mating signs. 3 fish seem to have tubercles, which i assume are boys. What do i do if the other 2 are pregnant? How do i prepare?

In that size of a tank i would not recommend breeding. It isn't big enough for even one goldfish not to mention 5. To house these guys properly, you will need a minimum tank size of 80 gallons. If you do breed, you will have to have another very large tank already set up to put the eggs in once they are laid. Both the male and the female will eat the eggs and whatever fry live if given the chance.

Here is a good website about breeding:

Good luck.