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Colored Stripes?!

23 11:52:46

About 8 days ago I got a betta for my birthday.
I also bought him a bowl but he just didn't seem to happy with it, like he didn't move around to much and everything so i put him in a tank (i think it's about 5 gallons).

When I was changing him over i noticed that his tail fin had like neon blue/green stripes on it. So i just watched him closely. He has perked up alot since i put him in the tank and everything but the stripes haven't gone away. When i got him he was like a pale yellow color with dark red spots on his tail fin.

Is he okay? Is this normal?

Hi Mandee,
Red spots or red streaks indicates he is sick, and should be treated with "Maracyn 2"  A healthy betta is active, has shinny colorful scales, and a good appetite.  His tail and fins should be spread, and not look ragged with no whitish of grayish coloration on them.
I do not see your betta, so watch him closely.  Some bettas have natural red streaks in their tail, and their is nothing to worry about.
He should be in a heated tank.  Bettas are tropical fish, and live in 80 degree water.  Bettas will get sick if they are cold.  If you do heat his tank, do this very very slowly.  One degree every 2 days as heating a tank too fast would be fatal for him.  You should add one teaspoon of diluted aquarium salt to his water.  Feed him 2-3 small meals a day..example 2 pellets for one meal.  He should have a varied diet, betta pellets one day, betta flakes the next, daphnia the next, and bloodworms once a week.  He should also have a deshelled frozen cooked pea a week.  The pea keeps him healthy, and cleans out his system.  Bettas are prone to Swim Bladder Disease, and the pea keeps them from getting this disease.  It is prevention.  Cook the pea, remove the outer layer, and cut it into small pieces.  Feed this to your Betta one piece at a time making sure he eats it, and that it does not fall to the bottom of the tank.  You may have to tease him with a piece at first for him to eat it, but most bettas will eagerly eat the pea.  On the day you feed him the pea, he should have nothing else to eat.
We have to remember that his tummy is the size of his eye, so small meals instead of one big one is the way to feed him.
Water changes are important, so 25% water changes once a week with a good conditioner such as stress coat, or aquaplus.
He should also have a silk plant in his tank, as Bettas love to rest on leaves.  Adding a little knick knack to the bottom of the tank that he can go through would make him very happy.
Hope this helps