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Sick Male Vail Angel

23 13:56:04

I have a big black male vail angel and all of a sudden it has these white fuzzy looking wormslike things that are growing on his head (small they kinda look like horns but not hard material). They look like they are causing a hole. Is there anything I can dip him in to help him get better? Does this sound like "hold in the head" that i know chilids can get?  Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi Tiffany,
 Hole in the head is literally little pits in the head so this does not sound like hole in the head.  Do they look like little towers/cones?  If so that is a disease called columnaris.  Clean water is the best treatment for that.  

 Have you been doing regular weekly partial water changes?  You should be changing 25% of his water once a week, every week.

-- Ron
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