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Change of behaviour

23 13:56:04


I have 2 pairs of Chiclid Jewel, i have be keeping them since last 1 Month in my office tank. Initially i had kept them in a tank with Parrot fish, One of the jewel was arragont and was hitting parrot regularly, after some days parrot fish died and i kept albino oscors with them again same was the scenario. then i removed all the chiclids and took them to my home tank with 2 pairs of barb family fish, its now 4 days i have been observing the jewels have changed there behaviour, they are not playing with each other. they are not eating much food, they are not hitting any fish. i want to know the reason and what is the solution for it.

ANSWER: Hi Hunaid,
  Anytime you move a fish to a new tank situation it takes the fish time to figure out who is in there, who is bigger, who is smaller, etc.  This might take several weeks.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear sir,

Thank you for your support, further its a good news my jewels have laid eggs and both the parrents are taking care of the eggs, i have removed all the other fishes from the tank. this is my first time breeding please help me with the process and what all precautions i should take, what temprature i should maintain, is the fry comes out how to raise them etc. awaiting your answer at the earliest.

Hi Hunaid,
  Keep the temperature near about 80oF.  Jewel cichlid fry are very small and you need to provide them with food that they can eat, once they are free-swimming.  Basically, they will be eggs for about 3 days and then they hatch in to "wrigglers".  Wrigglers cannot swim and feed off the internal yolk sac, for about 3 days.  Then they start free-swimming. At that point, you should feed them frozen baby brine shrimp, for about 3 weeks or so. Then, they should be able to eat crumbled flake food.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>