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Fresh water fish

23 10:59:53

I have silver angel fish that were given to me from a friend that had the pair for 4 years. I have currently had them for a year. One of the pair died just a few months after going into the tank, I figured I did not do something right but did find it strange that one lived and one died. So I purchased some more fish ( a gold fish, a tetra, a pleco, Blue Gourami, and a bumble bee catfish)I currently have a 45 gallon tank. My angel fish has become aggressive he will not leave my gold fish alone. He has already taken out one of her eyes and is constantly picking at her or running into her side. What can I do I hate to see my fish kill another fish.

Hello, sorry for the slow reply. I have been working a lot recently. The problem with angelfish is that once they pair up they will be aggressive towards any other fish in most circumstances. Gold fish should not be housed with angelfish because the two species require different needs in a tank setup. I would recommend removing the gold fish and seeing what the angelfish does. If it is aggressive towards your other fish then it will most likely be aggressive towards anything you house with it.