Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Suckerfish has grey patches down side!

Suckerfish has grey patches down side!

23 13:56:38

Well my sucker fish is normally brown with black spots and stuff but I noticed today that it looks like it has big grey patches down its side like its changing color or losing it's skin. Can u tell me if this is normal? Or maybe is he getting stressed out by my cichlids? I don't know! I have about 20 cichlids ranging in size and my sucker mouth is about 20cm long convict and albino cichlids are about 6-8 cm x5 and the rest are smaller

Hi Kushla,
   That doesn't sound good (it is not normal).  It could easily be that the fish is getting stressed out by your cichlids.  Does it have lots of places to hide?

-- Ron
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