Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Can I put a pleco in my baby turtles tank?

Can I put a pleco in my baby turtles tank?

23 11:12:15

Right, so I have A baby painter turtle, She's an inch and a half at the very most, she's in a 40 gallon tank, with a filter and the heater is set at 75 degrees, The water is fairly deep at one end, about six/seven inches and the other end is land for her to bask on, there are lots of plants that I started from bulbs and a fake log in the deeper end that extends out of the water. I tried to make her little habitat as life like as possible because she was wild caught by a friend of mine who wasn't able to meet her needs and was considering turning her loose again, Which I know your not supposed to do after a certain amount of time, so i took her in. She's just now gotten her color and her shell is starting to get solid (Obviously this chick had no idea what she was doing, She didn't feed the turtle right, provide any kind of sunlight at all, real or artificial and there was nothing in there but water, and no basking anything in there# And she's just now able to kill her crickets by herself. I was wondering if it would be safe to put a pleco in there for the time being. I know it wouldn't be such a good idea later on when she's bigger, but since theres so much room in there now I was thinking they would barely ever run into each other and if they did it would probably freak her out and swim the other direction xD (She does this with bigger crickets until she realizes what it is.)My main concern is not to hurt the pleco, I'd feel so bad if it were to die or something, you know?

Sounds like your doin a great job. The pleco would be just fine and the turtle will too, especially so being that they both would be in a 40 gallon tank. They occupy the same bodies of fresh water in the wild in their natural habitats. Everything will be fine.