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Finding Nemo Fish

23 14:53:00

What i want to get is all the finding nemo characters (from the dentist office) into the same fish tank, including the pufferfish, clownfish, yellow tang, blue tang, moorish idol etc. but what i want to know is if they will survive with each other in the same fish tank without fighting and killing each other, or if they will be fine.

Hi Katelyn,

I am sorry to say this but if you have to ask whether these fish are compatible, then you aren't ready for a saltwater tank. I do not say this to be harsh, and I know it sounds so. But these fish are incredibly hard to care for; they require daily care and water maintainence, many live foods, chemical balance and very precise salt measurements. It is a lot harder than portrayed in the movie! Many experienced aquarists do not attempt to keep saltwater.

If you want a colourful tank with more easy to care for fish, there are many freshwater species that you may want to look into. is a great website with a fish Index and many friendly members on the board, willing to help you.

Good luck!
