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algie eater bahavior

23 11:55:39

I have two algae eaters in a 30 gallon tank. Two days ago I cleaned my tank, treated my water and watched 3 tetra's, 1 zebra, 2 skeleton, 1 orange fin tale all die within 2 days. I did notice they ick. which i also had treated the tank prior to their dying. My algae eaters always stay on the bottom inside a crock decoration until just 2 days ago, now they hang on the side of the tank continuously and never go to the bottom anywhere in the tank. they sometimes shoot straight up and hit the cover. Why are they doing this. They almost act like they are going crazy.

Hi Annette,
  When you cleaned your tank, did you use any cleaning agent or soap or anything like that?  Also, what are you using to "treat" your water?

-- Ron
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