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fish behavior issue

23 11:45:26

QUESTION: My husband's fish is lying on its side frequently.  It is a Montagua (I know I probably spelled that wrong, but I know it is a cichlid).  Anyway, he digs in the tank quite a bit.  He is about 4 years old and about 9-12 inches long.  The digging we have seen before, but we have never seen him lying on his side on the bottom of the tank before.  When you tap on the tank, he swims around for a while.  His eyes are clear, no issues on his body either; we just can't figure out what he is doing.  We cleaned the freshwater tank and checked the PH which is registering normal.  We put antibiotics in the tank after we noticed this as well.  Is he dying?  Can we do anything?

ANSWER: Hi Wendy,
 I strongly suggest that you change 25% of the water immediately and then do the same again tomorrow.  Lying on his side is often a sign of stress and is very bad.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your speedy reply.  We just cleaned his tank when we noticed this happening.  The PH registers normal now (it was a little acidic a couple of days ago before we changed it).  That is why we added anitbiotics to the tank too (got from an aquarium store).  He still doesn't look bad and he still lays on his side in the corner of the tank.  Is there nothing else we can do other than change the water again?

Hi Wendy,
 Hmmm... I don't see why you added antibiotics when the water was a little acidic. Antibiotics kill bacteria. Was there any indication of a bacterial infection?

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>