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floating beta

23 11:37:05

I just bought my beta a few days ago and I placed it in a 1.5 gallon tank.  I filled in with cold water.  My beta is struggling to swim down and when he does he immediately floats back up, and when he is at the top his body turns sideways.  I fed him the first day but did not feed him at all today.  What should I do?

Hi Matt,
First you must never put a betta in cold water, but the same temperature he came in.  You can buy a small thermometer at the pet store to know what temperature he came in.   Secondly, a betta should be in a 5 gallon tank with a thermostat where you bring the temperature up slowly.  One degree every 2 days.  The betta is a tropical fish, and lives in 80 degree water.  You must bring the water temperature up very very slowly.  Thrid, the betta should be fed everyday twice a day in small amounts...example 2 pellets or 2 flakes for one meal.  He should have one cooked frozen pea a week with the outer layer removed, and cut into small pieces.  Feed the betta one piece at a time making sure that he will eat it, and that it does not fall to the bottom of the tank.  This is so he can clean out his system.  He must have a varied diet.  Betta Flakes, Betta pellets, daphnia, bloodworms, glassworms, plankton flakes, and brine shrimp.  Always remember that his tummy is the size of his eye, and we must be careful when feeding him.

For now, the only solution I can see, is to take him out of this cold water,  Put him in a baggies with the water he is now in, and put warmer water in your bowl.  Make sure you have a good water conditioner such as stress coat.  Let the bag float on top of this water for 25-30 minutes, until the water in his bag is the same degree as the water in his bowl.  Then let him go into his bowl.  I cannot guarantee that he will survive.  Putting him in cold water was a big mistake, and he might die.
 You must always put a betta in the same water temperature he came in, and slowly, very slowly bring his temperature up to 80 degrees.  Depending on the water temperature he came in, this could take a week before he reaches 80 degree water.  Bringing up the temperature to quickly is deadly to fish.
I hope the little guy makes it through.