Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > bubble beta

bubble beta

23 14:59:41

I have a beta fish who just recently swelled up. He is in a 1.5 gallon tank and I've had him for 6 months. His stomach looks like there is a balloon iniside of it. His stomach is now almost transparent. I took him to the pet shop and they gave me something to treat him for flopsy. I've been using that for the last 6 days and there has been no change. He is having trouble swimming to the bottom of the tank, because the "bubble" keeps pulling him to the top. Because of this, he is having a hard time catching the food before it hits the bottom. I am very concerned and sincerely afraid that he might explode. What can I do?

Hi Sarah;

Poor guy. The good news is he probably doesn't have dropsy. Dropsy causes the scales to stick out like a pinecone from fluid buildup. Treatments are usually not effective because the fluid buildup is often caused by organ failure. The fish doesn't usually float to the top like yours is either.

What he probably does have is a case of constipation and it is affecting his swim bladder. Here are links about it;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins