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New fish owner

23 11:25:07


I am in the process of cycling my tank right now after a few bad rounds with fish and Petco, so I was wondering after the cycle is complete, what fish you would recommend for a 2 gallon tank? I know it probably can only handle 1-2. I want something that is easier to care for (since I am new at this) but if at all possible interesting to look at. Any suggestions?

Hi Lindsay,
I will be very truthful with you Lindsay.  I know you will not like this answer, but no fish can live happily in a two gallon tank.  It is too small for schooling fish, and most small fish are schooling fish.  You could however have an African Frog, or an Apple snail.  You would be better to upgrade to at least a five gallon tank.  Fish need room to swim, and decorations which take up room in a tank.   I'm sorry to disappoint you.