Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my sons beta fish

my sons beta fish

23 15:12:08

Hi..I hope you can help us!  My son has a beta fish in a large fish bowl and we put colored stones on the bottom.  No plant life in this bowl.  We use fresh water...we were told to fill water jug w/tap water and leave (cap off) for 24 than use to switch & clean bowl.  (FYI:  This fish was bought at a very nice, clean, almost state of the art fish center in a Walmart :).  We do this once a week.  He has had his fish for 2 years now and lately the fish is lying down most of the time, or sticking his head down into the stones.  When he swims (I move the bowl from the dresser at times to the window for sunlight/warmth,etc.) it is a bit erratic and then he lies down again.  So, I guess my question is, how long do these fish normally live and is this one dying?  Even though most people we speak to say "c'mon, it's just a fish!" we are quite upset over this and are hoping you can help us.  Thank you so much for your time.

Hi Linda;

He is a "senior citizen" for sure. You have done a great job keeping your little friend healthy. Keep him as warm as you can and keep his water clean. This will help him feel better. I'm afraid the fact remains that he is very old and may not have much time left.

Male Bettas have an average life span of 3 years. When we first buy them they are almost a year old already. This makes your little fella about at the average age of 3.

It is sad when a "fishy family member" dies. Many people don't understand how we can be so attached to them. They may not have had the joy that we have shared with our little fish friends over the years. He has had a long and happy life with your family........

Followups welcome.

Chris Robbins