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what to feed my pirhranas

23 15:07:00

Followup To
Question -
I was wondering what I should feed my two pirhrana's and how often I should feed them. Thanx alot!
Answer -
Hi, please let me know their size and age roughy please.THANKS!!!!

They are about 4 to 5 inches and im not sure about how old they are I purchased them at that size.
THanx alot

Hi, you may feed them live small feeder guppies which they sell at you local pet store, or you may feed them cychlid pellets, (cychlids are thir species) which they sell at your local pet store, they will also eat blood worms and small shrimp will be loved. All the following fish foods can be purchased at your local pet store. You must feed your fish at least 2 per day, feed thema bit if all the veriety of foods you have. You do not need to buy all of the foods simply have at least 2-3 types for them to eat, if you have any further questiond e-mail me them.THANKS!