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Red Chief: Betta

23 14:03:42

Ok, me and my dad's betta fish ( i'm only 12 years old ) has some weird ice looking icky stuff at the top of his miniature tank. Do you know what it could be? How can we fix it?

Hi Kassidy,
Sorry, but I really don't have much to go off of here. What I can tell you is, you need a larger tank. Those mini tanks they sell are just really too small for any fish. You should have at least one gallon for your betta, nothing smaller. And when it comes to tank size, bigger is always better. Not to mention it's a lot easier to keep the fish alive and healthy.
Best of luck to you.

I realize that he may seem fine. I have kept fish for a long time though, and have done quite a bit of studying on my part. I would not steer you wrong.
I must also warn you that fish hide their illness for as long as possible, so you can't simply go by whether he "looks happy". It's a survival mechanism that all fish, and many other species of animal practice.